Cover of Eye Tracking the User Experience by Aga Bojko.
Rosenfeld Media, 2013 234 pages
Eye Tracking the User Experience A Practical Guide to Research
Written by UX researcher and VP of User Experience at Growth from Knowledge (GfK) Custom Research, Aga Bojko, the book is a practical guide to eye-tracking user research. It offers step-by-step advice on how to plan, prepare, and conduct eye tracking studies.
UX Strategy How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want
Written by interface designer, and user experience strategist Jaime Levy. This hands-on guide carefully blends business strategy and UX design. It introduces strategy tools and techniques to help craft multi-device products that people want to use.
Why We Fail Learning from Experience Design Failures
Written by Victor Lombardi, the book explores what teams actually built, why products failed, and how we can learn from the past to avoid failure ourselves. Improve by learning how customer experience failures cause products to fail in the marketplace.
Lean UX Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience
Written by speaker and organizational designer Jeff Gothelf, the book teaches Lean UX principles, tactics, and techniques. Experiment with design ideas, validate them with users, and continually adjust the design based on gained insights.
Eye Tracking Methodology Theory and Practice
Written by Andrew T. Duchowski, the book focuses on video-based, corneal-reflection eye trackers and takes a look at a number of interesting and challenging applications for eye-tracking systems from a strong scientific view.
Interviewing Users How to Uncover Compelling Insights
Written by Steve Portigal, who helps companies to think and act strategically when innovating with user insights. The book provides invaluable interviewing techniques and tools that enable readers to conduct informative interviews with anyone.
Welcome to our thoughtfully curated selection of recommended books on User Testing and Usability Testing, tailored for those intrigued by enhancing User Experience (UX) on the Web. These scholarly works delve into the methodologies, techniques, and empirical insights essential for crafting seamless and user-centric digital interactions. Immerse yourself in these authoritative texts to gain profound insights into optimizing usability and fostering engaging online experiences.